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Research project

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Please enter up to 10 Keywords describing the project method and goal.
Please write a brief project teaser describing the project goal.
Please describe the project goal, method and structure in more detail.
Please name the organization coordinating the project.
Please enter the project website URL. If there is no project website enter an URL to another database where the project can be found or a press release about the project.
Please choose the primary funding country for your project. If your project receives funding from multiple countries please enter the country with the largest contribution.
Please choose the funding source. Government: e.g. ministries or the European Commission; Academia: e.g. internal university funding; Industry: e.g. company R&D projects (not market ready solutions); Others: everything else
Please enter the project start year.
Please enter the project end year. If the project is still ongoing please insert the anticipated end year.
Capability gap(s)
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